Meaning of (पहाड़ा या पर्वत या गिरि) pahada/parvata/giri in english

As noun :
mountain Ex:  The park is a popular mountain biking destination
Suggested : a natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 feet (610 meters)
Exampleपहाड़ा या पर्वत या गिरि का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(पहाड़ा या पर्वत या गिरि) pahada/parvata/giri can be used as noun.. No of characters: 22 including consonants matras. Transliteration : pahaa.Daa/parvata/giri

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